Thursday, March 22, 2012

Be The Best You

This week I traveled to Charlotte, NC where I met up with a group of GHCN church planters. During a training session the presenter made this statement: “Most people over-value what they are not and under-value what they are.”

Is this statement true in your own life? Do you see someone elses gifts, talents, abilities or skills and wish you were more like them. It is so easy to get discouraged with ourselves as we compare ourselves to others.

But Jesus has something totally different for us in mind. Jesus made us to be a part of His ‘body’ (1 Cor. 12:12-26) and the bible says we are his ‘masterpiece’ (Eph. 2:10). There is no one else in this world with your mix of talents, abilities, personality, experience, and passions. And through Jesus, you can make an impact in a way that no one else can.

As we each follow Jesus, let each of us be the best “you” that we can be.

Friday, March 16, 2012

1 Year For Jesus

Sunday will mark the 1 year anniversary of Life Church! Its hard to believe that Life Church has already hammered out a full year for Jesus. 

When our small band of crazy young folks settled here in Lancaster almost 2 years ago - we were passionate about creating a church where Jesus and His grace were the focus and where there was an environment where people could come as they are to find life in Him - no matter how jacked-up they were.

Over these 12 months we have gone from 20 to 120 people and the stories of life transformation far surpass anything I had hoped for. We have seen over 30 people find life in Jesus for the very first time with many others finding encouragement, hope, community and new life breathed into their walk with Jesus. Every week I hear new details on how Jesus is changing lives through the community of Life Church.

I am so grateful to be on this mission with you all and I am stoked to see what Jesus will do through Life Church next year as we keep pointing everyone toward Him.