Religious people think that in order to be ‘okay’ with God, we have to be really, really good. They usually have a long list of things you should do and a longer list of things you shouldn’t do. Then they look and see where everyone around them is with regard to their list. If you happen to show up in their place of worship, they will measure you up and see ‘where you are.’ Or in other words, see how well your doing compared to themselves.
I’m so glad that Jesus had a completely different approach. Jesus hung out with the roughest and dirtiest people of his society. The people who loved to spend time with him did not measure up to the religious standards. Additionally, Jesus constantly and purposely irritated, annoyed and condemned the really neat and tidy religious people.
So why was this? Jesus didn’t care about the outward religious performance of people. He cared about their hearts. If their hearts were not soft toward God, no amount of good behavior could make up for it. The screw-ups of society knew they were screw-ups and they knew they needed someone to fix them. And that is what Jesus loved. This is what religious people forget.
So I don’t care where you are in life - divorced, broken, addicted, proud, angry, unemployed, employed - whatever. What I care about is your heart. Which way is it facing? Is it facing Jesus because you realize he is the only one who can fix your brokenness? Or is it facing inward, making excuses, justifications and hiding your brokenness?
Everyone is broken. Some people just hide it better. Others find grace.
Fixing my eyes on Jesus,
Pastor Jason Wolfe