Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Life Giver part 2

When we last left our hero (me), he was leaving a drunken frat party and heading home for the night with much on his mind. This is the conclusion of my story of how I found new life in Jesus. You can read part 1 here

The church service was very stuffy, I was the only dude in jeans and I just woke up an hour an ago. I did not get much out of the sermon but pejorative glances. One the way out I was handed a CD, which was poorly recorded with some cheap PC microphone. The CD said on the front “Are you good enough to go to heaven?”  I knew the answer was yes, but I thought I would give it a try. The CD took me through Gods standard for good people – the Ten Commandments. I learned that only perfect people go to heaven I learned Gods standard for “good” was perfection. The CD stepped me through the commandments: don’t lie, don’t steal, and don’t commit adultery or lust which is adultery of the heart. I tapped out by the third one and admitted guilt before God. At this point though Gods standard seemed a little unfair and I thought He should get a grip! I then learned that just like me God is selective about who He invites into his house. He is holy the bible says that law breakers of His rules can’t enter into his rest. I would not want perverts or murders staying the night at my house either. At this point I thought what about my good works ?? Just like our courts in America, me helping the United Way will not make the judge excuse my crimes.  The bible even says our good deeds before God are like soiled rags. Even at best we can admit they are often they are tainted with bad motives. I was running out of options, God is just and He made me and the rules and He was going to His justice. I knew I could not resolve to live a good life, since I have failed already and I knew payment must be made for the crimes against God.

I felt hopeless and literally started bawling my eyes out. Then I learned about Jesus and how he came and lived a perfect life that I failed to live and died to take the punishment I deserved. God punished Jesus in my place on the cross. My heart was so contrite and tender as I submitted to Jesus that moment. No one has ever done anything so great for me before. He took the wrath for my sin and He gave me His perfect life. I was offered amnesty and I took it. I put my faith in him and turned from my sin to a new life of loving Jesus. God is still just because my sin was paid for because Jesus paid for it for me.
  • By seeing my sin, I saw Jesus.
  • By the Bible showing me my true self, I did not miss the grace I needed
  • By seeing my disease I did not despise the cure which is Jesus Christ
Kevin McGillicuddy