Thursday, January 26, 2012

How Big Is Your Plate?

“I can’t schedule margin! I’m already not doing as much as my friend is.”

Many of us have this fear. We see others being productive. We see them accomplishing tasks and taking responsibilities. We are convinced we need to keep up with them. I need to do more because THEY are doing more.

Here is my advice: Stop comparing your self to others and figure out how big YOUR plate is. God has given each of us varying plate sizes - or capacity to get things done. Some people seem to juggle several major responsibilities and still have margin while others are overloaded with one or two things. Know how big YOUR plate is.

Based on your own core values, how much can you effectively handle and still have margin in your life? Once you know your limits (and we all have them), then you can prioritize what you do - making sure the most important things in life are on your plate.