Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Shirts

New shirts coming this summer!

What do you think of our brand new t-shirt designs? Everything from color to design has been strategically chosen and will make our volunteers instantly recognized by guests.

We’ve been wanting to make shirts for Kid City and the Greeting Team for some time now. Thanks to Mike Potemra’s connection at Thaddeus Stevens College, we will be able to use their equipment to make shirts at cost.

To get your very own t-shirt, talk to your team leader.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Know Jesus Through Your Bible

At our Ladies Retreat this year we are going to be learning about our Bible. What's in it? What do we do with it? How do we get something out of it or understand it? So we asked Sarah Schrott to share some of her thoughts about how she looks at her Bible now and how that has changed over the years.

Growing up in church every Sunday, youth group on Wednesdays, Christian school every day of my life I was immersed in the Bible whether I wanted to be or not. (Im pretty sure the Bible was was seeping through the walls of my mother’s womb while i was in-utero.) Much of my life the Bible was more of a textbook. The incentive to read it and memorize it in church was a sweet treat, memorization patches/pins for your Awana vest, or just simply the competitive nature to see who could memorize the most by the end of the month. In school the incentive to read and learn my Bible was the glory of getting an A in Bible class. I didn’t know throughout my K-12 days submerged in Christian School that the Bible was more than a means to get a good grade or an affirming accolade, even though I had heard otherwise.

When I was 19 I became a Christian. Hard to believe that after my 9 months + 18 years of being saturated in the Bible that I wasn’t actually a Christian. For the first time I began to understand the Bible outside of being a textbook. The Bible became a means to KNOW GOD rather than an incentive for any other silly secondary reason. I was reading the Bible with groups of people, listening to podcasts, and being taught from the Bible at Bible studies. I didn’t understand why I had so many questions after all of my years in church and school. Luckily I had the gift of being taught by a campus minister who answered all my questions about the Bible with the Bible. He taught me that Christians are meant to have questions and seek answers! Questions are GREAT! That’s what makes the beauty of our relationship with the Lord so wonderful. I believe to be loved to is to be known and to be known is to be loved. In order to get to know God: what he’s like, what he delights in, what makes him smile, what makes him sad, what frustrates him, what angers him ect. we must not be afraid to ask questions. Asking question enables our hearts to find answers about who God is! The greatest incentive of all in reading straight from God’s word is being able to know God’s heart and character. ~ Sarah Shcrott

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ladies Retreat

Come a weekend of rest and relaxation; away from the "to do" lists and the hustle and bustle of life. As women, we tend to invest much of our time and energy into caring for others. We do however, need to stop and refuel from time to time. The men of Life Church have graciously blessed us with a prepaid retreat as a way to show love and care to the women of Life Church. Please consider 'coming away' to embrace the encouragement of other women and to be still with an open heart and mind in order to receive the renewal that Christ desires for you. Jesus says in Matt. 11:28-30, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

~Shelby Wagner

As Life Church's first ever Ladies Retreat approaches several women will be weighing in and sharing some of their thoughts about the retreat, life, some of their personal experiences, friendships and what they are hoping to get from the retreat. This is a way for you to begin to get to know some of the women who call Life Church their home and for you to know that we all want as many women to join us as possible! And remember you can sign up to attend on our website and join our facebook page for more updates- Life Church Ladies Retreat. - Mindy Wolfe

Community At Life Church

No one can know Jesus fully, change deeply or reach the world without being in positive, healthy Christian community. WOW. That’s a BIG Statement! Yet, test it out - if God himself exists in community as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit why do so many of us live isolated, independent lives. What gives?

The reality is we all need people who will encourage us when we’re down and who we can encourage when they are down. We need people to help us in our times of need and we need to help others when they are in need. And the greatest proof that Jesus is alive is when his followers love each other.

Because healthy community is such a high value at Life Church we are strategically planning to launch some small group options for the fall. We are currently running a training group of around 15 people to lead these small groups. Each group will provide a great way for you to connect with other followers of Jesus on mission.

But until we have organized groups - take some initiative and get to know some new friends at Life Church. Have a backyard barbecue this summer. Throw a dinner party, go see a movie, go bowling or golfing with some new friends, get together downtown on a first Friday - and while you’re together spend some time talking about what Jesus is doing in your life. He is what we all have in common.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Come Away!

The men of Life Church are awesome! I am so excited to be writing today about what they did for us women. The men of Life Church got together and decided to raise the funds to pay for ALL the women of Life Church to get away for a weekend!!! They told us they think part of being a good man is caring for the women in their lives and that includes all the women in our church body. So, they raised the funds to provide us with a sweet location, all our meals provided and a speaker to refresh our hearts. Because they are super thoughtful they didn’t want to necessarily plan our whole retreat and end up with it being not quite what we women would like. So, they set out to enable us and help us create a weekend that meets our needs as women. Seriously, that’s awesome!

In light of their heart for us, our theme this year is going to be - Come Away. Come Away from the stressors of life, the regular routines and the constant responsibilities to a restful and fun place. Be ready to lie by the pool, have someone else cook all your meals for a few days, and have your heart encouraged. Also, be ready to Come Away from the weekend and return home with some new perspective, with deeper friendships and connections not only to other women but also to Jesus and His word. Our speaker, Anita Keagy, from will be talking to us about how to read our Bibles. She is going to actually walk us through a simple process that we can use by ourselves every day - this alone has the power to completely transform your life! If you are not reading your Bible on a daily basis and enjoying freedom and encouragement and refreshment for you soul you need to come this weekend! For a tid bit of her message hop on over to her website - she has an incredible story to share with us.

In the next few weeks several women from Life Church will be posting blogs all about the retreat. We are excited and we want as many women as possible to join in - Come Away with us (on the guys’ tab!) and let’s have a fabulous weekend together!
- Mindy