Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Come Away!

The men of Life Church are awesome! I am so excited to be writing today about what they did for us women. The men of Life Church got together and decided to raise the funds to pay for ALL the women of Life Church to get away for a weekend!!! They told us they think part of being a good man is caring for the women in their lives and that includes all the women in our church body. So, they raised the funds to provide us with a sweet location, all our meals provided and a speaker to refresh our hearts. Because they are super thoughtful they didn’t want to necessarily plan our whole retreat and end up with it being not quite what we women would like. So, they set out to enable us and help us create a weekend that meets our needs as women. Seriously, that’s awesome!

In light of their heart for us, our theme this year is going to be - Come Away. Come Away from the stressors of life, the regular routines and the constant responsibilities to a restful and fun place. Be ready to lie by the pool, have someone else cook all your meals for a few days, and have your heart encouraged. Also, be ready to Come Away from the weekend and return home with some new perspective, with deeper friendships and connections not only to other women but also to Jesus and His word. Our speaker, Anita Keagy, from http://joyshop.org/ will be talking to us about how to read our Bibles. She is going to actually walk us through a simple process that we can use by ourselves every day - this alone has the power to completely transform your life! If you are not reading your Bible on a daily basis and enjoying freedom and encouragement and refreshment for you soul you need to come this weekend! For a tid bit of her message hop on over to her website - she has an incredible story to share with us.

In the next few weeks several women from Life Church will be posting blogs all about the retreat. We are excited and we want as many women as possible to join in - Come Away with us (on the guys’ tab!) and let’s have a fabulous weekend together!
- Mindy