We asked Barbara Perry what she was hoping to come away from the retreat with. Like many of us, deeper friendships was at the top of the list. Thanks Barbara for sharing your heart with us!
"What’s the quickest way to get to know someone really fast? I find that spending time in an environment where you are doing everything together usually does the trick. This is how I see it. Ladies that sleep, eat and climb into the trees and pray and study God’s word together grow very close. And it doesn’t take long. The ladies of Life Church are about to venture out on their very first Ladies Retreat and our mission and hope is to be able to come to know each other in a deeper and more interconnected way. We will only be on the retreat for two nights. But, oh, what can happen in two nights, when twenty-some ladies come with expectant hearts before God!
I want to thank the men of Life Church for giving the ladies this opportunity to take time out to be together and spend quality time to touch each other’s lives and see each other in a whole new and different atmosphere. I don’t know about you, but do you get to the heart of who someone is all about; their passions, their pain, their joys, their sorrows, in 90 minutes or so on a Sunday morning?
Church is about community. We come to commune with one another and with our God, opening ourselves up to each other and being vulnerable and allowing our brothers and sisters in the family of God to share our joys and our sorrows; our needs and our blessings. That’s what the community of Jesus is all about. In Acts 4:32, is says “….. the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul; and not one of them claimed that anything belonging to him was his own, but all things were common property to them.” - Barbara
If you haven't signed up yet for Life Church's first Ladies Retreat it is NOT too late!!! Head on over to our website, www.lifechurchlancaster.org, click the ladies retreat tab at the top of the page and sign up! If you have a friend who doesn't go to Life Church or even any church at all, but you know she could really use a rest and some good time with other women - invite her! We are counting down and hope to see you there.- Mindy