What is religion? What is grace?
Religion - You earn god's favor by good works, which classifies most world religions
Christianity (Grace) - This is what makes Christianity different, we are accpeted by God because of what Jesus did
Enjoy this collection of Religion vs the Gospel by Pastor Mark Driscoll
- Religion says, if I obey, God will love me. Gospel says, because God loves me, I can obey.
- Religion has good people & bad people. Gospel has only repentant and unrepentant people.
- Religion values a birth family. Gospel values a new birth.
- Religion depends on what I do. Gospel depends on what Jesus has done.
- Religion claims that sanctification justifies me. Gospel claims that justification enables sanctification.
- Religion has the goal to get from God. Gospel has the goal to get God.
- Religion sees hardships as punishment for sin. Gospel sees hardship as sanctified affliction.
- Religion is about me. Gospel is about Jesus.
- Religion believes appearing as a good person is the key. Gospel believes that being honest is the key.
- Religion has an uncertainty of standing before God. Gospel has certainty based upon Jesus’ work.
- Religion sees Jesus as the means. Gospel sees Jesus as the end.
- Religion ends in pride or despair. Gospel ends in humble joy.