Saturday, February 19, 2011

3 Reasons Why We Don't Sing Romance Songs to Jesus

I know many times I will turn on the radio and be enjoying a song which I believe is about a guy and girl in love. I am not afraid to admit that, however as the song ends, horror washes over my face as I hear the radio station announce itself as Christian. Christian worship songs can often get a little out of hand with the touch me, hold me tenderly Jesus lyrics. We want to view Jesus as he really is - a King and Lord. There is nothing OK about singing overly romanticized songs to Him.

Here are the 3 reasons why:

1)  Men will not stand for it:

    Men do not want to worship someone they could beat up. Most pictures of Jesus makes him out to be a cuddly cute sissy. Men are leaving the church and one factor could be church is rather feminine and they are saying things like "now don't you hit or wrestle." Men do not want to sing love songs to Jesus. Men do not want to hear about being tenderly held by the king of Kings. Shirts such as "Jesus is my boyfriend," just will not fly with us.

2) Theology Matters:

    Having a correct view of Jesus is imperative to how you live your life. If you read through the New Testament, the same thing is presented in the scriptures: Theology first, then call to action. Paul always will talk about your standing then what to do. If you think of Jesus as soft or your romantic lover, your walk with Jesus will be impacted negativity because you will be worshiping the wrong Jesus!

 3) We want to Worship Jesus:

      In 2 Corinthians 11:4 Paul says “For if someone comes to you and preaches a Jesus other than the Jesus we preached...” Paul is saying is that people will try and present a different kind of Jesus to you. The best and most clear picture of Jesus is in Mark chapter 4 and then chapter 5. We see Jesus, in chapter 4, as a strong, authoritative leader who would not back down from a fight. In chapter 5, however, we see Jesus being tender, compassionate and loving toward a little girl and a sick women.
     Jesus is both the Lion - strong, and the Lamb - compassionate. We need both for our Christology - Jesus has to be seen as a warrior king and as a one who offers amnesty, who abdicates for us.