Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Use Your Noggin' Series: Fallacies - Straw Man

Logical Fallacies

What is a logical fallacy?
It is a false or deceptive notion within a logical argument. It is an error in reasons while making an argument. It is not simply just being wrong about a statement, it is a statement where your premise does not provide sound logic or support for that conclusion. In other words, your statement that you make before you come to a conclusion is not grounded in logic.

Why learn them?
Because you want to be able to present and defend your faith and views with intelligence. The main goal ultimately being able to point people toward Jesus while gently helping clear some confusion about Jesus

Today we will be looking a fairly common and easy to spot logical fallacy. After this you can go impress your friends and look really smart when your sister is making fun of you.The logical fallacy is:

Straw Man

This logical fallacy is by far the most popular today. It is when a person makes a claim and then instead of attacking the claim it is ignored, misrepresented, distorted, or exaggerated. You will see many TV show pundits doing this or even comedians like Bill Mahr. This is because the claims that are made, when twisted or distorted can be very funny.

After a straw man fallacy is committed the original claim is often muddied in the mind of those listening. This is because when a claim is presented (claim A), the alternate claim or the straw man (claim B) is attacked and not the actual claim made (claim A).


Person A: I think we should have to raise certain taxes in order to help pay off new government spending

Person B: Why do you want to lead us into another depression?

Example 2:

Person A: I think the new fee for garbage removal is outrageous what do they expect me to do with my trash I have now? I just can’t eat my trash can I?

These types of fallacies cause a lot of headaches because it takes a good ear to hear for the twist or distorting of the original claim.