Friday, February 24, 2012

No Man Left Behind

Being a Vietnam movie with some Mel Gibson style gore, “We Were Soldiers” is a must see. Gibson plays the role of military commander Lieutenant Colonel Harold Moore. The Colonel gives his men a speech just before they are to leave for battle. He promises them “I will be the first man on the battlefield and I will be the last man off the battlefield. And I will leave no one behind, dead or alive.”

The words from the Colonel are a battle cry for the men at Life Church. The American male is under siege from political, social, scientific and religious critics. In many ways this criticism is justified - yet the result has been that men have lost their way. We have no unified vision for good manhood. Consequently, men have responded by becoming chauvinistic oppressors, immature idiots or selfish pansies distracted by the pleasures of life.

It is time we respond differently.

If you are a man who attends Life Church, we will not leave you behind. You can not hide in the back row, you can not disappear into the crowd. We will find you and challenge you to be a man for Jesus. Jesus’ calling on your life is profound and challenging. We are here to help you join the men who are on the battlefield of life fighting alongside Jesus for the gospel, our wives, our sons & daughters, our grandkids, our communities – you must join us. We will not leave you behind.

Pastor Jason