Our MARGIN teaching series is over but I hope a life with margin is just beginning for each of you. So many of you responded positively to this series. Many of you are working hard to make room in your life for the most important things and I am excited to see the results of your determined effort. So in order to be most helpful to you all, I wanted to pass on to you a few resources I have found which helped me learn about margin.
The best book I found on the topic as a whole is called “MARGIN: Restoring Emotional, Physical, Financial, and Time Reserves to Overloaded Lives” by Richard A. Swenson, M.D. As a Christian medical doctor, Swenson brings a good perspective to this topic.
Time Margin
I highly recommend the small book “Choosing the Cheat: Who Wins When Family and Work Collide” by Andy Stanley. Andy says this is the most important book he has ever written. Andy’s chapter on “Watch Out For Falling Rocks” alone is worth the price of the book. Its a quick read but its message could change your life.
Financial Margin
The best resources I have found on gaining financial margin are Dave Ramsey’s “Financial Peace” material or his “Total Money Makeover” book. I am hoping in the future we will be able to host a Financial Peace University course at Life Church. Many of you have already been through this helpful course.
Spiritual & Emotional Margin
I recommend the book “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” by Peter Scazzero. I listened to a podcast of Pastor Scazzero from Denver Seminary and found his thoughts very helpful. His major premise is that we can not be ‘spiritually mature’ and still be ‘emotionally immature.’
These authors and resources have been helpful to me and I hope they will be to you too.